Free Value Nuggets.

Warning, you cannot unlearn this.
An accumulation of everything we've learned from a multitude of books, podcasts, courses and shows. All summarised here and available to you for free.
The Value Equation

Value = ( dream outcome * perceived likelihood of achievement * negative impact with absence) / ( time * effort )

Improve Time? -> Improve Internal System Output DBR Theory of Constraints)

Reduce Effort? -> Experience/Journey Mapping Reduction of touch points

How we sell anything
  1. Value sells itself, so make more value (referrals)  <- important (but it's slow and we can sell faster, go to step 2)
  2. People hate being sold (4 ways to increase revenue - 1. Paid Ads 2. Cold Outreach 3. Content 4. Warm Outreach)
  3. People buy with emotions ( Desire/Gap > Safety > Importance > Logic )
  4. People need to justify their decisions ( NEPQ sales method )


Effective Communication of Value to drive Revenue.

Statistical Learning (correct communication?)
  • Define Objective: Identify what you are testing and the success metrics.
  • Formulate Hypotheses: Set up Control (A) and Variation (B).
  • Determine Sample Size: Calculate needed sample size for statistical significance. significance level (commonly 0.05), and power (commonly 0.8
  • Randomly Assign Users: Split audience into two random groups.
  • Run the Test: Collect data over a sufficient period.
  • Analyse Data: Use statistical tests (e.g., t-test, chi-square test) to check for significance (p-value < 0.05).
  • Interpret Results: Decide based on the results whether to implement the variation or iterate.
  • 3 Pillars Alignment

    Focus on fulfilling fundamental human needs with genuine quality.

    SIMPLIFY and REDUCE the INPUT (time and energy) while MAINTAINING or IMPROVING the OUTPUT (dream outcome and likelihood of achievement).

    By doing so, efficiency and value will naturally improve, and the operating margin will take care of itself.


    Create MORE (refer to 3 pillar image blue) with FEWER RESOURCES and LESS WASTE.


    Efficiency = value/input

    Deliberately not output/input, cause output should always equate to revenue or potential revenue, and the only way to do that is to offer value.

    Input is any of the 5 Ms (Man, Machine, Money, Method, Material)

    The only truth that matters
    1. Your Profit and Loss (Recurring Positive Net Profit)
    2. Your Balance Sheet (+)
    Improve Internal System Output (Drum-Buffer-Rope Theory of Constraints)
    1. Drum: The system's bottleneck, setting the production rhythm. (station with longest cycle time or most backlog)
    2. Buffer: Time buffers before the constraint to ensure it always has work.
    3. Rope: A communication mechanism to release work at the right time, aligning upstream processes with the drum's pace. (Pull Systems (Just-In-Time))

    Maximise work throughput, minimises work-in-progress (WIP)/inventory, and reduces lead times.

    How to map a process?

    Business Process Mapping and Notation (BPMN):

  • Flow Objects: Include events (things that happen), activities (tasks or work done), and gateways (decision points).
  • Connecting Objects: Arrows that show the sequence and flow of the process.
  • Swimlanes: Pools and lanes that organise activities by man or machine
  • Artefacts: Additional information like data objects and annotations to clarify details.
  • How to find the right market
    1. Purchasing Power
    2. Growing Industry
    3. Pains
    4. Easy to target
    Launch Strategies

      Build Hype

      1. Whisper
      2. Tease
      3. Shout

      Drag & Drop

      1. Drag out the build process and include audience as much as possible., and then
      2. Drop
      Lead Landing Page Components
      1. Get xx in xxx without xx (Main Heading) <- creates relevance and safety (why)
        1. Benefit cloud (sub/paragraph)
      2. Do you want....?
      3. This X is FOR Y
        1. Opportunity
        2. Core story
        3. Big Idea
        4. 3 belief breakers (big issue 1 [unvierse], big issue 2[other people], big issue 3 [self])
      4. Show them
      5. Brag Rights (Certifications, Stats or Logos)
      6. Statistical Importance <- Pain Amplification (why)
      7. "Join" the solution or "everybody is"<- herd mentality (why) / "Do you want x for y" "Proof of success + CTA"
      8. Action (Scarcity & Urgency) - What they'll ge
      9. How it works (Simplified)
      10. The honest truth, we arent desperate but really can help
      11. Benefit details
      12. Proof, Proof, Proof (Social + Casestudies)
      Google Ads Experiments

      Only start A/B testing once you have a structure that yields results. Experiments are to refine what works, not to get something TO work. PS: Once an experiment runs in Google Ads, changes made on original campaign won't reflect and thus will be difficult to interpret. So first, find something that works, and then only setup split tests.

      Lead with Plan, Follow with Process.

      Fake it till you make it?

      (Build, Measure, Learn, but for service based businesses)

      1. The first delivery is blind, but if not dead, standardise.
      2. Then adapt, measure, learn
      Look A Like Hack "beauty influencer" "" "ceo" ""

      Chrome Extension to scrape data

      Effective vs Efficient

      First be effective... then be efficient (via raise, reduce, eliminate, keep, create)

      Pivot or Preserve?

      (Money / (Time + Effort))*Ikigai -> do this for all your options... the option with the largest number, wins

      TAM, SAM, SOM

      TAM, SAM, and SOM are acronyms for three metrics to describe the market your organization operates in — Total Addressable Market, Serviceable Addressable Market, and Serviceable Obtainable Market.

      How to create word-of-mouth marketing

      S: Social Currency

      T: Triggers

      E: Emotion

      P: Public (build to show build to grow)

      P: Practical Value

      S: Story telling/Idle time

      From Contagious - Jonanh Berger

      Whats Next?
      1. In game Ads
      2. Private Equity